API Documentation

The base URL for all REST requests is https://yabl.xyz/api

Method: GET
Authorization: User Token
Returns information about a user token. 
							> GET /api/whoami
							< 200
							< {"admin": true,
							<  "avatar": "e4cafdbf4cae648e2883560a426838f7",
							<  "discriminator": "4738",
							<  "flags": 768,
							<  "id": "153353572711530496",
							<  "locale": "en-US",
							<  "mfa_enabled": true,
							<  "premium_type": 1,
							<  "username": "! craftxbox"}

Method: POST
Authorization: API Token
Invalidates an API token. 
							> POST /api/token/invalidate
							< 200
							< Token invalidated belonging to 153353572711530496

Method: POST
Authorization: User Token
Generates or returns an API token. 
							> POST /api/token/generate
							< 200
							< F6Uh8DqwjiK32ajFGK2AzucTJFn6fKqIscCoGoYYlXcDd4FpGf8JHOqTQkhQAD4m

Method: GET
Authorization: None
Returns a bot object. 
							> GET /api/bot/321493510241124363
							< 200
							< {"id": "321493510241124363",
							<  "prefix": "c;",
							<  "help": "c;help",
							<  "desc": "Craftxbot is a...",
							<  "body": "# Craftxbot  ... ",
							<  "website": "https://craftxbot.discord.bot",
							<  "support": "https://discord.gg/jcYq5ch",
							<  "git": null,
							<  "library": "Discord4J",
							<  "modnote": null,
							<  "verified": true,
							<  "owners": {
							<     "153353572711530496": "! craftxbox#4738"
							<  },
							<  "username": "craftxbot",
							<  "avatar": "6f12e0c5f5270a9dcf3104ba7fc651cc",
							<  "guildCount": 418}

Method: POST
Authorization: User token
Submits a new bot. 
							> POST /api/bot/0/add
							> {"id": "321493510241124363",
							>  "prefix": "c;",
							>  "help": "c;help",
							>  "desc": "Craftxbot is a...",
							>  "body": "# Craftxbot  ... ",
							>  "website": "https://craftxbot.discord.bot",
							>  "support": "https://discord.gg/jcYq5ch",
							>  "git": null,
							>  "library": "Discord4J",
							>  "modnote": null}
							< 201
							< <the previous document>

Method: POST
Authorization: User token
Edits an existing bot. 
							> POST /api/bot/321493510241124363/edit
							> {"id": "321493510241124363",
							>  "prefix": "c;",
							>  "help": "c;help",
							>  "desc": "Craftxbot is a...",
							>  "body": "# Craftxbot  ... ",
							>  "website": "https://craftxbot.discord.bot",
							>  "support": "https://discord.gg/jcYq5ch",
							>  "git": null,
							>  "library": "Discord4J",
							>  "modnote": null}
							< 200
							< <the previous document>

Method: POST
Authorization: API token
Changes bot guild statistics. 
							> POST /api/bot/321493510241124363/stats
							> {"guildCount": 418}
							< 200
							< <bot object>

Method: POST
Authorization: User token
Deletes a bot. 
							> POST /api/bot/321493510241124363/delete
							< 200
							< Bot deleted.

Method: POST
Authorization: Administrator user token
Verifies a bot. 
							> POST /api/bot/321493510241124363/verify
							< 200
							< Bot verified.

Method: GET
Authorization: None
Returns 20 random bots. 
							> GET /api/bots
							< 200
							< <an array of bot objects>

Method: GET
Authorization: User token
Returns all of your bots, aswell as information about you. 
							> GET /api/bots/user/@me
							< 200
							< {"id": "153353572711530496",
							<  "userscrim": "! craftxbox#4738",
							<  "avatar": "e4cafdbf4cae648e2883560a426838f7",
							<  "bots": [<bot object>]}

Method: GET
Authorization: None
Returns all of a users bots, aswell as information about them. 
							> GET /api/bots/user/153353572711530496
							< 200
							< {"id": "153353572711530496",
							<  "userscrim": "! craftxbox#4738",
							<  "avatar": "e4cafdbf4cae648e2883560a426838f7",
							<  "bots": [<bot object>]}

Method: GET
Authorization: Any token
Returns an array of every bot on the list. 
							> GET /api/bots/all
							< 200
							< [<bot object>]

Method: GET
Authorization: None
Searches for bots matching a query, Paginated to 20 bots per page. 
							> GET /api/bots/page
							> {"search": "craftxbot", "page": 0}
							< 200
							< {"results": 1,
							<  "pages": 0,
							<  "bots": [<bot object>]}

Method: GET
Authorization: Any token
Returns unverified bots, paginated to 20 bots per page 
							> GET /api/bots/unverified
							> {"page": 0}
							< 200
							< {"results": 1,
							<  "pages": 0,
							<  "bots": [<bot object>]}
